Monday, November 16, 2015

designer table lamp eichenolz rauchglas Morten Jonas Norway

"Bake me a cake" or in German "Back again me Congratulations" is a charming and playful Designer table lamp oak and a lampshade manufactured of smoked glass. . Simply raise the glass lid to modify the bulb
The lamp emits a faint, delicate light

Designer table lamp in Bergen prison made

designer table lamp eichenolz rauchglas Cake Stand shape


This lamp is at the Milan Layout 7 days was discovered in 2013 and has the critics and masses enthusiastically. Developed by the designer duo Jonas and Marten for Northern Lights, was this charming Designer table lamp developed in the most unexpected spots - in Bergen jail in Norway. In fact, it is hard to imagine that something was made by this top quality and original design of the inmates of specific Norwegian prison. To even more emphasis on the prison situation, the lamp was impressed by the tale of the "cake with nail file" where a mother has baked a cake for her imprisoned son, to aid him escape from prison. The undertaking aims to organize meaningful pursuits for inmates even though they are in prison

Designer desk lamp seems like a cake stand out

Table Lamp eichenolz rauchglas cake stand look

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Morten &amp amp Jonas are two fellas from Norway who function in the fields of home furniture layout and inside architecture. Both have a master's diploma in layout from the Bergen Academy of Artwork and Style in Norway. The designer duo had success with doing work with the Norwegian jail where they are at present making use of layout as a tool for creating and strengthening their generation. With this style you wished to create an object that has a perception of humor, a gorgeous condition and a tale that would carry the consumer some thoughts and with any luck , put a smile on their faces.

light dim gentle

Northern Lights Designer table lamp eichenolz smoke glass lid

wooden and glass components alternate

designer Morten Jonas tischlampe eichenolz rauchglas

the light-weight bulb below the glass cover

Table Lamp eichenolz rauchglas bulb glass lid

The lamp base with a little glass ball

Designer table lamp eichenolz rauchglas foot glaskugel

You can down load the cake / lamp by Northern Lights Online Shop Purchase

designer table lamp eichenolz rauchglas Northern Lighting

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