If you have a patio or balcony in your have house or apartment, you need to make such an extension of the interior. We have for you together 108 design ideas for patios, roof terraces and balconies , which could help you to create a beautiful and relaxing environment.
Would a pair of comfortable furniture and green plants to your outdoor space quickly and easily decorate
design ideas for terraces - wooden furniture with sun protection
If you have a patio, you need creative ideas for their design and decoration. Take advantage of the variety of forms on the terrace to create a visually appealing and inviting atmosphere. Design the room so that you can use it several months a year and at any time of day or night
design ideas for terraces - Bright. furniture and upholstery with turquoise accents
veranda design of rattan furniture
lounge area on a balcony
Decoration and design ideas for terraces
Source: cavuvegas.com
Source: cavuvegas.com
terrace with outdoor kitchen
Source: cavuvegas.com
interesting mix of materials
pool in the garden or in the house build - 105 images of Pool
Tuscany flair on the terrace
Idea for a small garden
Vertical greening
Planters with roses
small terrace
covered terrace by the pool
terrace as Home Extension
Moos in the planters
sunny terrace with a small pond
brick floor and rattan
Cacti as fence
screen of bamboo plants
modern wicker garden furniture
outdoor kitchen and seating area
seating area under the tree shade
Terracotta floor tiles
greened columns
platform in the pool
pool house made of wood and wood decoration Article
flat outdoor furniture for unobstructed views
high plants as screens on the one Page
interior and exterior merge
white facade and Mediterranean flair
outdoor kitchen and fireplace
sunny terrace with view
decorative items and furniture in ethno Style
floor to ceiling glass windows
white furniture with geometric shapes
concrete floor and simple seat cushion
furniture create contrasts
fireplace with coals
white patio furniture and modern lighting
eclectic device
outdoor living area
infinity pool and white lounge beds
wood and stone blend in
glass folding doors
table with integrated fireplace
modern Ethanol Fires site
atmospheric garden lighting with candles lanterns
mood lighting in the plant beds
covered terrace and sheer curtains
decorative lighting courtyard
Pure white furniture contrasts with the green Hecke
garden swing
interesting design with grass between the flagstones
modern leather armchair
Ethno Flair
green roof
lounge beds with wooden base
modern house on stilts
wooden pergola in the garden
white armchair on a black background
In cities where green spaces are hard to find , roof terraces offer local people the opportunity to enjoy a private retreat outdoors. With a few lush plants shadow donors, grills and fireplaces, you can decorate it as an urban oasis. Because of the unique layout of a rooftop terrace, careful planning is the key to success
LED floor lights
semicircular wooden bench around the fireplace
grass green fresh color
modular Rattan Set
wooden pergola on the roof terrace
glass railing for unobstructed views
water wall and bamboo plants
sun loungers on the roof terrace
water features and natural materials on the roof terrace
sunny terrace
Gardening on the terrace
dwarf trees in flower pots
small rooftop pool
dry shrubs in planters
casual style with cushions
amazing rooftop pool
wooden pergola providing shade rooftop
borders rooftop define
When it comes to interior of the accommodation, overlooked many homeowners the potential from their balconies. As an outdoor area, you can meet some challenges, but check out these creative ideas. The small room, you should not stop to plan the balcony optimally and clever
Balcony blinds with bars
folding furniture on the small balcony
colorful floor cushions
hanging chair with frame
glazed terrace </p src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-überdacht-verglast-dach-kletterpflanzen-relaxsessel-hocker.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-sitzkissen-integrierte-bank-am-geländer-idee.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-sitzecke-rattan-lampenschirm-plexiglas-scihtschutz.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-holz-bodenfliesen-efeu-sichtschutz-lounge-sofa.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-glasgeländer-alte-holzkiste-couchtisch-rattan-sofa.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-gestaltung-holzbank-kissen-teppich-rosa-streifen-balkonpflanzen.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-deko-mediterran-schmiedeeisen-möbel-set-scihtschutz-geländer-efeu.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-deko-idee-vintage-flair-tapete-ziegelwand-holzbank.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/kleiner-balkon-gestalten-leseecke-skandinavisch-kleine-sitzbank.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/großer-balkon-kunststoff-möbel-marmor-bodenfliesen.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/gestaltungsideen-balkon-wohnung-blumentöpfe-teppich-gitter-rattan-sessel.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/gestaltungsideen-balkon-geländer-blumentöpfe-sitzmöbel.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/balkon-dekorieren-gestalten-ecksofa-rattan-gitter-efeu-holz-geländer.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/kleiner-balkon-hängesessel-kissen-pelzdecke-blumentöpfe.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/gestaltungsideen-kleiner-balkon-holz-stühle-blumentöpfe-wand-montage.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/gestaltungsideen-balkon-holz-bodenfliesen-blau-sessel-pflanzkübel.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/dachterrasse-gestalten-rasenfläche-buchsbaumhecken-holzmöbel.jpg" src="http://deavita.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/dachterrasse-rasen-fliesen-schachbrett-muster-sonnenliegen-pool.jpg"
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