This floating Mini Garden was developed by the French designer Benjamin Graindorge and believed as a normal filter system. Most of the operate was taken more than by a plant that cleans the water. The complete design has been imagined as a normal filter system, where the h2o adjust is pointless and the complete method is saving power.
The floating mini-yard of Benjamin Graindorge than cleansing system
The floating Mini Garden Design was completed by Benjamin Graindorge in cooperation with Duende Studio. The backyard is made up of several plant species that clean the water and to a sand cushion. The garden filter performs in accordance to the ideas of hydroponics and recycling. In this way you will hold having treatment of the aquarium at minimum. All you can do, the glass partitions of the aquarium is from time to time to clean with a sponge and to feed the fish regularly
The floating mini-backyard garden - technology. cleansing
The Mini Backyard garden by Benjamin Graindorge is dependent on two straightforward ideas that the cleansing approach drift effortlessly. The 1st engineering is based on the sand cushion. A 5 cm thick layer of sand filters the drinking water tank. There tiny particles contained in the water, which are beneficial for a friendly bacterial environment stay. The presently developed bacteria change the nitrogen into nitrates. The second technologies is primarily based on the aquaponics program. The nitrate-abundant h2o that has separated from the sand, flowing down. There you are at the root of the plant. This root pull out all the nitrates from the water to feed on then. The rest of the drinking water is really clear and flows back again into the aquarium
Pink Aquarium with the floating backyard filter
The backyard garden filter technique on a blue aquarium
plants and sand in the mini-yard
The components of the filter technique
The natural filtration system at home
Different style for massive aquarium
Other interesting aquarium patterns by Benjamin Graindorge
a hundred Aquarium ideas patterns in the wall or in Residing integrate
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