Friday, February 12, 2016

Wooden bench seat Yazan Hijazin designer bronze copperplate

BenchArc. A picket bench from the Designer Yazan Hijazin, founder Anknownymous in Amman, Jordan, made. In his concept, he combines two contradictory properties this sort of as motion and stillness. On the 1 hand, the design and style embodies a tree trunk, on the other aspect - it seems to be like stays of an historical picket ark
Of course, the legs branch out and assist a straight wood board with true bronze and copper finish.. The BenchArk is 3.5 meters prolonged, which emphasizes its strong presence and demands consideration even in a big area


wooden bench by Yazan Hijazin - The Inspiration


The inspiration for this piece arrives from the place for which it was designed - an art gallery. It is the only seating for guests to the gallery. You can sit down and seem at the various paintings or to be constantly in motion. The designer wanted to customize the only piece of furniture to the setting. Not only useful, but also creative and distinctive. On the other hand, site visitors are fascinated by the wooden bench, because they have a frequent element - the opposition. The opposition is a signal of maturity, believes the designer. Consequently he needed to represent this relation of motion and stillness

The distinctive properties of wood bench

Bench Solid wood Yazan Hijazin designer legs

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The unique houses of BenchArc arising from the different dimensions of its construction, the measurement and blend of supplies. The unconventional composition of the layout is the focus. The normal actions of its legs combined with a minimalist and contemporary straight line. This is obvious in his other types, where it merges modern day, minimalist aspects with up to date classical curves. The mix of wooden, bronze and copper is someway original, specifically simply because the metals in their real powder type. Function with the metallic powder was really hard, due to the fact it took a great deal of time to achieve the desired look

. Bronze and copper portion

Wooden bench seat Yazan Hijazin designer Jordan handmade

wood bench BenchArc by Yazan Hijazin, Anknownymous

wooden bench art gallery Yazan Hijazin designer anknownymous

 Wooden bench seat Yazan Hijazin designer Anknownymous founder

 Wooden bench seat Yazan Hijazin anknownymuous jordan

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